Looking for Web Designer and Icon Designer


Anyone on the inter-web that knows how to make a good looking icon for OS X, or a fancy website for OS X software; drop me a line at aarontait@gmail.com. I am looking mainly for student designers who will aid in the creating of my company Phine and my software Spindler. I don't care who you are, or if I know you or not.
While I can't give you immediate payment, I am willing to pay you based on a fair commission rate for the given number of sales.



I have created a teaser. You can download it here. It is iPod compatible. More info (including the meaning of the date at the end) will follow soon.

Founding Address


Today marks the official public intention to found Phine Technology. The following series of postings concern the mission statement of this company. These postings will be published on a daily basis. To start I will discuss the name.

The Name
The name Phine Technology is a name that has many connotations and pronunciations. In spoken language it is pronounced in the same manner as the word fine. The connotation that comes to mind when the phrase "Phine Technology" is spoken, is one of fine technology, or good technology. But when written down the name takes on an additional meaning. In written traditional form the name looks like "Phine Technology". Notice the emphasis on the prefix "Phi". This is a direct reference to the greek letter phi represented by the symbol &Phi. Phi also represents the golden ratio, which connects to this company's vision of unity. Moreover, once the letter phi is added to the rest of the term Phine the name takes on another new meaning and internal pronunciation. Φne is the name of this company in proper written form. Notice how you want to say "one" instead of "phine". This connects to the Φne's vision of bringing the universal concept of unity to the technology sector. Although the name Φne is what I plan to use, the namePhine will be the primarily used name during the "birth" of this company. This is due not only to the fact that the Φne may not be produceable in certain ASCII based language systems, but may also confuse potential investors with the actual phonetic pronunciation of the name.

Therefore the written name of this company will be represented by two interchangeable forms:
Phine Technology (known as traditional form) and as
Φne Technology (known as proper form)

About me

  • I'm Aaron Tait
  • From San Francisco, California, United States
  • I am an entrepreneur and Cocoa developer. I live in San Francisco. I am a Peak Oil evangelist. I talk about important things.
  • My profile

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